Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Godiva Chocolate Truffles: The Chocolate Experience

Early on I learned the difference between really good chocolate, and “other” chocolate. Good chocolate came in nice packaging, was served to you over a high glass counter by a woman wearing white gloves and a fancy uniform, and just one piece cost more than 2 or 3 of the candy bars you might eat on any other day. The whole reason why Godiva (or any high-end chocolate) tastes so good is not only its inherent quality, but also the whole experience you get when you walk into the chocolate boutique. It’s the tinkle of the silver bell over the door, the perfectly aligned rows of truffles, the heady smell of fresh cocoa which wafts over you as you inspect all the gorgeous, shiny little baubles. You walk in and feel as though you must suddenly be quiet, demure, sophisticated. This is food to be respected.

My first experience with this was at the Godiva Chocolates store in Manhattan. I was about fourteen, traveling in New York with my Mom. She and I were on an indulgent holiday in the middle of winter – any excuse for chocolate was deemed a good one. We walked into the Godiva store and I literally spent a good half hour just gazing at it all. It took several more minutes for me to actually choose a few pieces to take home, and eventually I was coaxed out of the shop, clutching my bag which was folded over at the top just so. I don’t remember the chocolates themselves all that well, but I remember every moment of my time in the shop, and the heady experience of having something so special in my hands.

That first experience with expensive chocolate paved the way for me to seek out chocolates – where the chocolate appeals to all five of our senses, not just our taste buds. Since then I’ve tasted, smelled, gazed upon and swooned in various small chocolate stores all over the world – not just for the satisfying snap of the chocolate and the soft squish of ganache, but for the entire experience. On my honeymoon I forced my new husband to divert our route by several hundred kilometers, just so we could visit the Godiva shop in the Le Grand Place in Brussels. I didn’t realize it then, but those early chocolate experiences actually changed my life – so enamored was I that I ended up with a career which involves my using chocolate daily. Maybe some things are just meant to be.

Godiva Chocolate Truffles Blogs

Cool. Another certified chocoholic. i wonder if she love Godiva Chocolate truffles as much as i do. hoorah to you MichelleG.

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